A sustainable future, crafted together

At the heart of our philosophy lies a deep commitment to environmental sustainability. We believe that eco-conscious design is not just a trend, but a critical necessity for our planet and its inhabitants.

Eco-friendly spaces offer a multitude of benefits, from cost savings and improved efficiency to reduced carbon emissions and the creation of healthier communities. They are a cornerstone in the fight against climate change and in fostering a more equitable world.

One of the biggest hurdles in our industry is reconciling a client's vision with budgetary constraints. Our role is to guide clients on this journey, demonstrating the long-term value proposition of sustainable design choices. With perseverance and continuous knowledge acquisition, we are constantly expanding our knowledge base, becoming experts in specific areas when necessary. But we also recognise the power of collaboration. We maintain a network of trusted partners, each a specialist in their own right, who provide invaluable support and expertise to our endeavours.

By combining our vision with this collaborative spirit, we are able to deliver design solutions that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally responsible and future-proofed.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

  • Design for longevity and multi-functionality

    We aim to create spaces that can adapt to changing needs, reducing the need to redecorate or replace furniture frequently. Whenever possible, we choose pieces that can serve multiple purposes, reducing the overall amount of furniture needed.

  • Prioritise reuse and upgrade

    We give vintage furniture and materials a new lease on life through refinishing, reupholstering, or creative repurposing. We aim to minimise transportation emissions by using locally-sourced materials whenever possible.

  • Choose sustainable materials

    We aim to specify the most sustainable materials. We are always on the lookout for new eco-friendly solutions and we use them creatively. We consider the environmental impact of materials throughout their entire lifecycle, from extraction to disposal.

Energy efficiency

  • Maximise natural light

    We strategically plan the layouts and place interior elements to take advantage of daylight, reducing reliance on artificial lighting.

  • Propose energy-efficient fixtures

    We choose LED lighting and appliances with high efficiency ratings. We choose low-flow faucets and water-conserving fixtures.

  • Optimise heating and cooling

    We consider passive heating and cooling techniques. Strategically placed windows, insulation, and proper airflow can significantly reduce energy consumption.

Healthy Interiors

  • Prioritise low-VOC materials

    VOCs (volatile organic compounds) can impact indoor air quality. We look for paints, adhesives, and finishes with low or no VOC emissions.

  • Improve indoor air

    We advise on proper ventilation to remove pollutants and promote healthy air circulation. We also avoid materials with harsh chemicals or finishes that can off-gas and pollute indoor air.

  • Biophilic design

    We integrate nature into your designs with plants, natural materials, and elements that connect occupants with the outdoors. This can improve mood, well-being, and even productivity.


  • Human rights

    At the heart of our design philosophy lies a commitment to ethical practices. This means partnering with manufacturers who uphold fair working conditions. We respect privacy, protecting your information. We are open, fostering transparency. We are interoperable, sharing our knowledge with others through events, lectures and social media.

  • Human Efforts

    We design for functionality, convenience, and reliability. Our goal is to make everyone’s life easier with designs that work smoothly and consistently.

  • Human experience

    We go beyond functionality to create experiences that inspire and delight. We want interacting with our designs to be a pleasure. Our designs aim to evoke positive emotions, enriching your experience in any environment.